
Nationally recognized clinical, translational, and basic research programs.

Education and Training

Combine the very best in clinical training with innovative and structured research training at the bench as well as in the clinical arena.


The highest quality, compassionate care for patients with lung disease by a formidable team of physicians who have been recognized repeatedly for their commitment.

Dr. Alison Morris named Chief of the Division of PACCM

Dr. Alison Morris named Chief of the Division of PACCM

Alison Morris, MD, MS, has been appointed chief of the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine (PACCM) beginning July 1, 2019. She is currently the vice chair for Clinical Research in the Department of Medicine.

Division of PACCSM
Academic Offices

NW 628 UPMC Montefiore
3459 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Patient Care and Referral

Comprehensive Lung Center (CLC)
Falk Medical Building, 4th Floor
3601 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213