Michael Fine, MD, MSc, has been awarded the 2018 VA HSR&D Daniel Deykin Award for Outstanding Mentor. Fine is a Professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine, as well as  a cofounder and director of the VA’s Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion (CHERP).

At CHERP, Fine has led a high-impact national research program focused on improving the quality and equity of health and health care for vulnerable Veteran populations, successfully competing for Center renewal in 2007, 2013, and 2018. 

The VA mentoring award recognizes his extraordinary contributions to a generation of health services researchers at VA and the University of Pittsburgh. Many of his 68 mentees and trainees have led highly successful research portfolios and become national leaders in VA, academia, and beyond.  Dr. Fine’s mentees’ success is magnified by the impact their scholarship has had in shaping health services research, patient care, and health care policy.