Infectious Diseases Outreach

The Center for Infectious Disease Outreach (CIDO) was established to increase the visibility of the Division of Infectious Diseases’ missions that are focused in clinical service, basic, translational and clinical research and education. We promote our activities and accomplishments on multiple social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube, as well as through our Podcasts and Infectious Diseases division webpages. CIDO posts information on various topics and current events related to infectious disease to provide reliable, non-biased education to benefit the general public. Our primary mission is to educate individuals on all topics related to Infectious Diseases, while recognizing and showcasing our division’s multiple achievements in the field of Infectious Disease.


The center has established a podcast titled “Microbe Matters.” In this podcast we discuss, dissect, and demystify topics in Infectious Diseases with our experts at UPMC and the University of Pittsburgh. Follow the conversation with your host, Tony Morrison, media specialist at Pitt ID. Please join us as we examine both the dangerous and beneficial microbial microcosms that surround us, promote public health, and showcase research and treatment of modern infectious diseases.


Tony Morrison
Lorraine Pollini, MLIS


Tony Morrison
Digital Media Content Administrator

Division of Infectious Diseases
Academic Administrative Office

818 Scaife Hall
3550 Terrace Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Academic Office: 412-383-9062

For Patients: 412-647-7228

Center for Care of Infectious Diseases

Falk Medical Building
3601 Fifth Avenue, 7th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Patient Appointments: 412-647-7228

Main CCID Fax: 412-647-7951