The Pittsburgh Area Center for Treatment (PACT)


The Pittsburgh Area Center for Treatment (PACT), centerpiece of the UPMC HIV/AIDS Program, offers outpatient HIV primary care services to over 1600 HIV-infected adults.  HIV care is provided by eight physicians (7 Infectious Disease faculty members, 1 Family Medicine), mental health providers (psychiatrist, psychologist), HIV pharmacist, obstetrician /gynecologist, nurse practitioner, pain and palliative care specialist, and nutritionist.  PACT is located within the Center for Care of Infectious Diseases. On-site care and services include the diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection, treatment of opportunistic infections, hepatitis B and C treatment, adherence counseling, psychiatric care and mental health counseling, HPV-associated cancer screening and treatment in men and women, HIV pharmacologic support, chronic pain management and outpatient palliative care, substance abuse counseling, nutrition counseling, peer advocacy, medical case management, and social support services. Other specialty care, including oral healthcare, is available on the UPMC campus. The Director of this service is: Deborah McMahon, MD.

HIV Prevention Including PrEP

The HIV/AIDS Program, through its PACT providers and staff, is actively participating in the AIDSFREEPittsburgh (AFP) initiative, which aims to reduce new HIV diagnoses by 75% and to eliminate new AIDS diagnoses in Allegheny County by 2020.  AFP is using a three-pronged approach to achieve these goals.  First, it will increase the rate of routine HIV testing in medical settings; second, it will use established relationships within the local medical community to ensure HIV-infected individuals are quickly linked to quality HIV care and facilitate access to treatment; and third, it will expand targeted education to high-risk groups and the use of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP). The HIV PrEp Clinic offers services for: consultation for HIV risk assessment; testing for HIV, kidney function, and sexually transmitted diseases; treatment of sexually transmitted infections; medication adherence counseling; HIV prevention; prescription of PrEP for prevention of HIV; on-site pharmacist and social worker; and clinical follow-up and monitoring. The Director of this service is: Ken Ho, MD.

Division of Infectious Diseases
Academic Administrative Office

818 Scaife Hall
3550 Terrace Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Academic Office: 412-383-9062

For Patients: 412-647-7228

Center for Care of Infectious Diseases

Falk Medical Building
3601 Fifth Avenue, 7th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Patient Appointments: 412-647-7228

Main CCID Fax: 412-647-7951